
Gameplay Programming

I have experimented with developing many different genres of games. Here is a list of some them:

Multiplayer Programming

Multiplayer is something that is very hard to implement in games because server latency is something that is unavoidable. I developed multiplayer games using both GameMaker Studio and Unity. In GameMaker Studio I used a free multiplayer plugin called GameMaker Server that hosts your game server on their own cloud. In Unity I have experience using high level multiplayer solutions like Netcode for GameObjects, Fish-Networking Evolved, and Mirror.

UI Implementation

A lot of people underestimate how hard it is to not only design a menu, but also make it function. Since I was the lead programmer for Extreme Tag! that meant I was the best candidate for implementing the menu and all of its functions. I wrote custom animations for the menu buttons in code and added support for different kinds of aspect ratios. I can create a settings menu with in-game quality control, audio control, and full key rebinding.

I didn't design this UI, only implemented it and added the animations

UI Design

I wouldn't call myself an elite UI artist but I do like how some of my menus turn out. I've made both mouse controlled and keyboard controlled menus.Â